good times

Friday, June 10, 2005

They're Different. Or are they?

If this makes you angry, I understand. I am still upset. If this frustrates you, then I have done my job.


Thank you to Fergie's sister (the smart one) for providing this illusion. Feel free to vent any frustration in the comments.


Anonymous said...

It makes me MANGRY.

I will now download the image, and verify your ridiculous claim using photoshop...

You better not be right.

Chang Kim said...

I had to confirm it...and I did:


The bottom pair shows it the most clearly, because even the top pair is slightly skewed by the color of the lettering, though it's apparent in both sets that they are indeed the same shade of gray. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

There is no spoon.

Gina Fujikami said...

Hey Russ! Thanks for posting the helpful pictures and tips for Tokyo! Can't wait! Oh, and by the way, only tonight did my dad bring home the cute shirt and your postcard from when you and Joanne were out here last time. He's a bit forgetful. But just wanted to say thanks! :) Will definitely post pictures and blog when we get back!

Anonymous said...

Yay, I caused an uproar! I found this illusion in James Randi's newsletter, where it served to demonstrate how we believe what we want to believe. And if this gets you mad, check out the rest, which will have you barking at the moon.