good times

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Aha! Our first entry. It's blog time!

Well, if you are reading this today on June 1st, you are amazing. There is just about no way of getting to this weblog without going through either myself or Chang. I've tried my very best to get this thing hosted on our website,, but it hasn't panned out yet. The details are very boring (so I'll make them small):

Apparently my web host, Netfirms, needs to have all ftp activity on ports greater than 49000 and less than 65000. And the Blogger website automatically chooses the FTP port passively, unless I set it for SFTP (Secure FTP). What the heck is Secure FTP? And why do they need to have 65000 FTP ports? Is that necessary? Well, right now, I get a "broken pipe" error. I don't know how plumbing entered the equation.

This weblog will be more of a "Russell's Random Thoughts Weblog," sprinkled with some of Joanne's thoughts here and there. Finally, I will have a place to put all of my dumb thoughts/ideas rather than storing them all in my head.

Bye now.

1 comment:

Chang Kim said...

Woo hoo! You were the first to comment on my blog (you haven't commented since, ahem), so I will return the favor. Welcome to a new world. :)