good times

Friday, June 10, 2005

Which is fastest?

Time to settle the debate. X-Wing vs. Jedi Starfighter.

Thanks, Red Azfault, for your detailed analysis of the matchup (see his comment in the last post). It was quite a race. The ships lined up, fully wound, and were ready to be unleashed into hyperspace (or the purple table). The X-Wing deployed its wings to enter attack mode. After the signal, the ships took off. The race was over in seconds.

Winner? Jedi Starfighter won by several parsecs. See the action here.


Post analysis: It was obvious in the beginning which ship would win. It was obvious in Episode IV that the X-Wing fighter was created for its attack abilities. It was not necessarily very agile in space. However, in Episode III, the Jedi Starfighter showed to be quite agile in the opening sequence. I think the much of the technology that went into the Jedi Starfighter became a lost art after the defeat of the Jedi in Episode III.

Yet another debate settled.


Chang Kim said...

I did my Zapruder analysis, and Russell's right hand clearly moves back and to the left a split second earlier than does his left hand. The Starfighter's victory may have been the result of this uneven release. Its margin of victory definitely was.

Russell said...

Apparently someone was hoping for an X-Wing victory. I don't know how any analysis can be completed with such low-res footage.

Zapruder? Seriously. What's that?

Chang Kim said...

I was able to freeze frame on a moment where your right hand is clearly off of the Starfighter while your left hand is clearly still holding the X-Wing.

Zapruder was the guy who filmed JFK's assasination, and whose film became the primary evidence of a conspiracy behind the assasination. Back, and to the left. Back, and to the left. Back, and to the left.

That is one magic bullet (or loogie, in the case of Seinfeld).