good times

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Ahhh! New computer.

Nothing is better than a new computer. And, in this case, nothing is better than a new computer for my parents. Last night we put together their new Dell Dimension 4700 with a 17" LCD flat panel monitor. What a deal! $550!


I will hardly even use it, but I am the most excited since it will mean that I will be able to spend less time on it when I am serving as tech support for my parents. I'm sure many of you have to deal with computer issues...and I'm sure many of you have to help out with the problems on your parents' computers. Nothing is worse than when you have a computer crunching for far too long to do simple tasks. It was pretty bad.

Now if I can just get my dad to change over to Gmail. It's just better. If you haven't changed to Gmail yet, let me know and I'll hook you up.

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