good times

Thursday, June 09, 2005

X-Wing vs. Jedi Starfighter

To continue the exploration of the Star Wars universe, we will soon find out which is faster: the X-Wing fighter or the Jedi Starfighter? The X-Wing fighter is known best for its use in destroying the first Death Star by launching a missile at the exhaust port not much smaller than a womp rat. The Jedi Starfighter is an older model (used in the prequels) and is known for its ability to launch its passenger into the air while crashing.

What will win? (Please note that the X-Wing fighter will be in attack mode as shown)

XWing or JediStarfighter

Find out tomorrow.


Ferg said...

Based on my insider knowledge that Butch souped up the X-Wing, that's where I put my money. If nothing else it will likely go straighter.

Anonymous said...

When handicapping such an anticipated event one must concider many factors. First of there is the spacecraft. One might assume that since the X-wing is a more modern aircraft, its technology would more advanced and thus be faster. But lets not forget that the x-wing was created in secret by rebel forces who would obviously not have the full use of intellectual and material resources. The Starfighter on the other hand exists during the peak of society when the Jedis were at their most powerful. EDGE: Starfighter. Next, we must concider the venue at which the race takes place. In this case, it is at 100-200 ft altitude on earth. Since we have only seen these spacecraft on planets in a galaxie far, far away it is hard to assume that their atmospheres would be similar to that of earth. But both crafts seem to be able to fly almost anywhere so I will only give the edge to the X-wing because it was on Endor and Endor kind of looks like earth and it had Ewoks...I like Ewoks. Finally, we must concider the pilots. Obviously from the pictures that Russel provided Luke must flying the X-wing since you can see R2D2. The problem is we don't know who is flying the starfighter. If it is Anakin I give the edge to the starfighter because from the two 2 hour long pod race in ep.I we know he is a very good pilot. But if it is Obi Won I say the Xwing wins since Obi won doesn't like to fly. So I guess I end up with a coin toss. I will go ahead and choose the starfight because I might have already seen the race and know who wins.

Chang Kim said...

What he said.