good times

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Fondue Friday #2 !

On Friday night, we had another fondue with our friends that came into town. Alan (middle) flew in from Ohio just to hang out with us (and for work). Chang (2nd from the right) drove down from Mountain View. Eddy and Stephanie (on the far left and far right) drove all the way down from Hollywood (it's a pretty brutal drive on a Friday).

Fondue 3

The fondue chocolate turned out even better this time. We had half dark and half milk chocolate this time and topped it off with a little Kahlua (my favorite).

Fondue 1Fondue 2

Afterward we played some intense games of Speed and Pounce. Speed is not a very advanced or complicated card game, but definitely brought out some award-winning performances.
(Is that Episode III in the background???)

Speed 2

Here's Eddy about to be crushed by Chang.

Speed 1

And here's Stephanie (aka Stephi'ne), the evening's most intense Speed player.
Speed 3

Here's Joanne and Stephanie just chillin'.

Fondue 4

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