good times

Friday, June 03, 2005

Wicket is mine!

You won't believe it. I just got word that my sister has obtained Wicket the Ewok! That's right. The search is over. Say hello to him.


Speaking of ewoks, my coworker Butch told me that Ewok is Wookiee backwards. Very interesting. Next on the Burger King Star Wars Toy Search List is the Jawa and Wampa. Burger King offers non-plush toys, but for some reason the plush ones are the funniest. What do you think?

Jawa Wampa


Chang Kim said...

Ewok is Wookiee backwards? Sounds like someone is dylsexic.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Ewok is not Wookie backwards...let's drop an "o" and an "i" and then attach the last letter to the beginning....interesting though...they are both so cuddly

Got Jawa and Wompa for you!

Chang Kim said...

Steph, you gotta stop enabling Russell's obsessions. It's time to cut him off, cold turkey.