good times

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Grievous vs. Yoda!

To continue with the Star Wars adventures, I have witnessed a battle never seen before. General Grievous vs. Yoda! Utilizing today's latest technology, we have been able to simulate the lightsaber duel between them. First, let's take a look at our two contenders:

Check out General Grievous' skills here.
Check out Yoda's skills here.


With both contenders fully wound up and poised for battle, we released them for an all-out match of lightsaber skills. Grievous held strong with his continuous dual lightsaber swinging, but Yoda came on strong with several kicks to his face! It was crazy. Winner: Yoda. Issue settled.

By popular demand, we have captured footage from this grand event. It is definitely worth the look. I know...the suspense is killing you, isn't it?


Chang Kim said...

That is hilarious, I missing the video of the actual duel?

Russell said...

I'm at work, dammit! I took the picture with my camera phone! Cut me some slack!

Russell said...

Alright...sorry about the outburst. I have responded to your request with some video footage.

Chang Kim said...

You're such a tease. Blogging about an epic duel for which you obviously have video, and then not sharing it with us.

Thanks for making amends. :)

Chang Kim said...

Hmm, the force is strong with this one, even if the force has a strong resemblance to Russell's hand.