good times

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

What's on your TV ?

TivoTop20We have a new poll. Here is the list of Tivo's Top 20 Most Recorded Shows as of last week. Which ones do you watch? (Vote on the right)

What's being recorded at our house?

Desperate Housewives
Las Vegas
Family Guy
My Name is Earl
The Office
Prison Break
Everybody Hates Chris

Any recommendations?

We may not get around to watching them all, but that's what's sitting on our Tivo each week.

Which ones are high priority?

We didn't even watch this last season, but it's sure getting our attention now! We gotta catch up and watch Season 1. We've decided to get caught up with Eddy and Stephanie via Netflix.

TheOffice One of my priorities is The Office. Definitely not a favorite for everyone, but as painful as it can be to watch, I think it's hilarious. Joanne, however, is not quite as excited about this show as I am.

Don't forget to post your votes!

Regarding the last poll: Blackjack beat Craps 8 to 5. 2 people like slots, 1 likes roulette, and 2 people don't gamble.


Chang Kim said...

It's all about Lost. Best show on TV today. Season One was brilliant.

That's all.

Chang Kim said...

Actually, I still watch West Wing, too, but after the first few amazing seasons, the show lost Aaron Sorkin, and it hasn't been the same since. But as long as you are watching shows via NetFlix, seasons 1 and 2 of West Wing are incredible.

Ferg said...

Ok I voted: none of the above. What are some of these shows? Without a Trace? Medium?

Anonymous said...

Lost!!! Now that's a show. I watched the entire season last year and MAN, what a season premiere! It blew my mind away!!! Lost bumped 24 out of the #1 slot for me.

Anonymous said...

There are so many good shows. Yes Lost is awesome!

Without a Trace...FBI...missing person's...I think Eric Close is a cutie.

Medium...Patricia Arquette has visions...she works for the D/A office...I am quite the chicken so I get scared a little at parts in the show, but not so scared that I'll stop watching.

So many good shows...NCIS is very good....put premiere was a little slow...I hope the death of one of the characters does not ruin the show. Mark Harmon...oh so fine!

The Office is so funny, but I was a little disappointed with the Season Premiere.

My Name is Earl...from the one show seems like it has potential to be really funny.

Las Vegas and Crossing Jordan I love for the stories...the interaction between all the characters.

Grey's Anatomy is a cute show. Another one for the interaction between characters.

Desperate needs to get better.

Anonymous said...

No MNF!!! What about last Thurdays 8:00 Sportscenter?? I guess they didn't make the list. I guess I have to vote for Las Vegas because it is the only one of those shows I've ever seen. What does James Caan do anyway?... running a casino, breaking into houses, flying in helicopters, high speed trucker chases. Also, I just got back from Vegas and I did not see any Montecito hotel. Whatever, with such a "stacked" cast it doesn't matter. Side note, why would you put Arrested Developement against MNF. MNF is an institution. Only crappy shows watched by old people like all of those sit-"com"s on CBS should be on opposite MNF.

Gina Fujikami said...

Hi guys! Great list! I agree with Stephanie and definitely add Grey's Anatomy...Dr.McDreamy!
I also recommend The Amazing Race and The Apprentice (Trump). I'm still lukewarm on Joey and How I Met Your Mother. Oh, geez; I'm realizing how addicted I am to TV as I write this. Thank goodness for Tivo!

Anonymous said...

What is MNF? Cable? Dang it...only local channels for me!!! But I guess that is a good thing...I would never go to work if I had cable on top of local.

I know the Montecito....I have to watch the intro again, but yeah I think it is in that empty lot sort of across from the Luxor....south on the strip...Las Vegas should get a Montecito! I want to meet Mike Cannon and Danny...hey even Ed...he looks good.

Just started watching Arrested this season...funny

Yay Gina!!! Yeah Grey's Anatomy...first couple of episodes of the first season didn't really capture me, but I persevered and now I am glad I did...I love that show. I hear what you are saying about Joey...I am just watching because he is from Friends I think...hoping it will get better...entertaining, but not my fav show.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah Gina....and about Dr. you mean Shepherd? Patrick Dempsey? If so then I agree...I never thought Patrick Dempsey was cute, but he looks good in this show. Age has been good to him. Maybe it's just because he is not playing a goofy part like the movies from the 80s and 90s. Or was it just the 90s?

Hey Gina I missed the premiere episode. Only watched the last 15 minutes. Anything big happen? I know Sandra Oh and Dr. Burke broke up...we don't know if she is going to keep the baby or not? Who is that new doctor that Grey was in surgery with? And then I know that Grey and Shepherd broke up because of Grey.

What's up with Alex and Izzie?