good times

Friday, September 16, 2005

I feel appreciated.

Our work had Employee Appreciation Day this past Tuesday. It was a Western-themed, carnival/car show with In-N-Out for lunch. Only had my camera phone to document the event. Here are the highlights:

Our company hired this guy to just walk around to support the Western theme. Not really. Cowboy Jack kicked off the event sportin' the cowboy hat he won by hooking the hat on the bull's horns. (Yes, he just happened to be wearing that shirt)

Here are a couple cars from the car show portion of the event. A Shelby Cobra and a Nash Metropolitan. Actually, the Nash is a car that used to be built right here in El Segundo. (that's why we have a Nash Street)
Joel and I had a tricycle challenge. We went head to head on their mini road course. It was two laps around the track. Those things may have three wheels, but they are not stable! We practically fell over a few times. Joel took the early lead in the race and on the final stretch, he lost his hat and I won!

Skater Buffalo

They even had live animals! This buffalo knew how to skateboard, too.


For lunch they brought in 3 huge In-N-Out trucks that were serving tons of Double Doubles.

That's the way every lunch break should be.

1 comment:

Miss Lala said...

free in-n-out!? wha!?? and i thought the pie game you posted was upsetting. =P~