good times

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Bunny Time !

What's better than cartoon bunnies performing your favorite movies in 30 seconds?
That's what I thought. (

My personal favorites are Pulp Fiction, The Shining, and Titanic.

Pulp Fiction Bunnies


Anonymous said...

I don't know if I should be impressed or a little concerned that you find these types of things on the internet. (sigh) For better or for worse...

Anonymous said...

Then again,I guess I should also be concerned that I enjoyed watching some of them.

Miss Lala said...

i just forced my entire office staff to gather around my computer to watch 5 of these bunny clips. (they are all over 55.) ahhh another productive friday at STC.

Russell said...

There's always a special place in everyone's heart for bunnies.