good times

Friday, September 23, 2005

iPod nano


I went to go see this item in the Apple Store and I gotta tell you, it's pretty damn cool. Simple, elegant. A little pricey, but come on, it looks cool.

WARNING! Don't get one yet! There's been issues with the plastic over the screen. They say they use the hardest polycarbonate material, but people are already complaining at how easily it scratches...enough to where the screen may become unusable over time. And looks are everything, too!

I'm sure Apple will do something about I am just telling you to wait.


Anonymous said...

That's funny. Because I see these Nano's everyday and no one has complained how easily it scratches. Well, either way, anything will scratch unless it has a diamond face like those Movado watches. To help prevent this, you can always purchase a nice case and/or they also have those thin clear clings that protect the face.
So, in other words, go BUY a Nano! They're great! I need to somehow make a living, right?
~ Kevin

Anonymous said...

Nano, nano,'s what's hot...and not just at the apple store! Easton has developed a full line of products using carbon nanotube technology (CNT). CNT offers increased strength and enhanced performance! Here's more info on how it's used it for baseball:

Russell said...

Just wait Kevin. Tell Apple they better do something about it. My friend has one and is already noticing the problem. And it only gets worse...

It's one thing to have the Cube's case crack, but the iPod is everything, especially when Apple is known for aesthetics and build quality.

Anonymous said...

Read this!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my guys are so lame...especially yours Eddy....dude come on

Anonymous said...

Apple Computer now has officially addressed the concerns regarding the screen scratching easily on the Nano...
"Apple said that the screens on the iPod nano are made with the same material that is found in the company’s fourth-generation iPod, which, to date, is complaint free. We have received very few calls from customers reporting this problem – we do not think this is a widespread issue,” said Schiller. “If customers are concerned about scratching we suggest they use one of the many iPod nano cases to protect their iPod.”

For more details on this interview, see...