good times

Monday, September 26, 2005

Doppler 2000000 !


I'm not joking. They've done it. The weather news team has outdone themselves.
I remember watching news a while back and being impressed with the Doppler radars they use to predict weather. It wasn't long before I noticed that NBC came out with a Doppler 4000. ABC was not having that, so they came out with the Doppler 7000. They wanted to stay on top so they upgraded to Doppler 7000+ to send out the signal that they were not going to be defeated.

Then, CBS joined the battle. We now have Doppler 2000000. They didn't stop at Doppler 200000, they went all the way. But, they say they have a reason for the madness in this recent article:

"Where did we get the name from? Well it is 1 million watts of power and we are channel 2. You do the math."



Anonymous said...

Dude that is too funny! I can't believe they really did that...are you sure it's not a joke? Is it a joke? It should be. Well I guess it is a joke, but that they publicly displayed this for real? Wow....impressive....and the reason why they makes since..mhmmm

Anonymous said...

As Jimmy Kimmel said, that's just too much doppler! (sorry, don't have the verbatim quote)

I think CBS2-New York chose the name "Live Doppler 2 Million" primarily because the name "Live Doppler 2 Thousand" sounds like old technology from five years ago. The 1 MW power of their radar is a nice marketing point, but I really don't think that contributed much to the decision for its name.

Your suggestion of "Live Doppler 2 Hundred Thousand" would be just too much of a mouthful to say, not to mention it's only 1/10 of the doppler. :-)

Hmm, I wonder if CBS2-Los Angeles will upgrade their 2-View Doppler to the "Live Doppler 2 Million" to compete with KABC's "Live Doppler 7000+"...