good times

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

What did you do on Sunday?

Good question. Glad you asked.

First off, we got to spend a good 20 minutes with Eddy and Stephanie as they picked up their wedding gifts from my parents' house. They were so nice and relaxed from their honeymoon in Aruba. (They had a fantastic time) And, amazingly, all their gifts fit in their car!

Back from the Honeymoon

Sleepy LunchtimeWe then drove over to Daniel and Amy's house to go see Preston (and visit with Daniel and Amy, of course). It was lunch/dinnertime for Preston and it was time for him to eat his single grain cereal which he recently graduated to. I guess when you have two teeth you can go crazy. Here he is being fed by Dad, only it's so exhausting opening your mouth for the food that you get sleepy.
Even meals are an adventure!

But nothing, I mean nothing, could prepare me for what happened next. A few months ago, I got Preston what every 3-month old should have...Legos. It's never too early for Lego Baby. When I last visited, Preston only liked to suck on the head of Stackie the Giraffe. This time around, the head still tasted pretty good, but that wasn't all! We layed out all the pieces to Stackie and Presto would grab each piece by the Lego peg. Very nice. Then, with a little assistance from Daniel, he would move one piece toward the proper connecting piece. Once he had the four base pieces assembled, he grabbed Stackie's head and (unassisted) stuck it right on top! That's ma boy!

Presto's Lego Victory 2Presto's Lego Victory 1

He's only 5 months old and he's a genius.

And to top off the evening, Amy made us dinner and dessert. For dessert, she made us some homemade Pizookies! In case you didn't know, a Pizookie is the famous dessert they serve at BJ's restaurant. It's only a cookie with ice cream, but it's a warm, fresh cookie with ice cream melting on top. It's a delight! (I made the picture nice and big in case you were hungry)

Homemade Pizookie

So, yeah, that's what we did on Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a good night! Yummy food, great company, and fun entertainment...Jakers! We got to do that again!