good times

Friday, July 08, 2005

Weekend Update

Well, since this weekend is about to begin, I thought I'd recap last weekend's activities, since I haven't made time during the week. In summary, lots of barbecuing and partying. 4th of July weekend is always nice. On Friday, we met with our friend Gene from Japan, whom I met when I went on my Buddhist Exchange trip in 1997 (man, I'm old). Anyway, he came with his wife, Makiko, and his baby daughter, Shiho.


They went to Disneyland for the day, so we met them for dinner at Yamabuki which is located in one of Disneyland's hotels (Paradise Pier).


They spent the whole day at Disneyland, so Shiho was pretty tired. She was sleeping when we first saw her, but when she woke up, she was ready to go. Isn't she cute?

After dinner we watched the Disneyland fireworks from afar. Here's a picture of all of us. From the left: Ken, Carol, Stephanie, Gene, Makiko, Shiho, Carrie, and my mom.



On Sunday, we had our 4th of July party (on the 3rd of July) at our house. We barbecued some hamburgers and hot dogs to hold with the All American tradition. Here's our barbecue after it's done all of its work and handled two loads of charcoal.


Daniel and Amy's baby, Presto (officially Preston), came to party with all of us.


And, of course, there was some card playing.

On Monday, we went to the Sakamoto's house for a 4th of July BBQ. Their barbecue put ours to shame. Check out all their food:



It was a great weekend. Every weekend should be 3 days long. Let me know if you'll be in Vegas this weekend. I'll be there.


Ferg said...

I think you're missing the photo of your family, unless they all happen to be hiding in the BBQ!

Chang Kim said...

Every weekend should be four days long. ;)