good times

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Things aren't made like they used to be.

MicrowaveMy parents got us a microwave as part of their wedding gift to us. It's one of the nicest microwaves I have ever seen. We've had it for about 9 months now and it decided to break today. The door didn't shut. What's up with that? I proceed to dissect the door to discover that the tension spring used to allow the door to shut has come loose. What happened? One of the locations that holds the spring in place is made of plastic and has cracked. Big surprise. Why did they decide to use plastic? So I got a keyring and attached it to the metal frame of the door to improvise a new location to attach the spring. I was pretty proud of myself. "Back in the old days, we used to use things like metal." My parents' microwave may weigh a ton, but they haven't had a problem in 33 years. So if someone asks why things aren't made like they used to be, just answer, "Plastic."


Anonymous said...

Hilarious, dude. I'm proud of you. Way to go!

I think a more appropriate title to your entry would be "Things aren't made WHERE they used to be." Know what I mean? I doubt the use of plastic caused the demise of today's consumer products. Polymers have probably brought on more innovation in recent years than any other group of materials. Plastic kicks ass, dude!

Russell said...

Not when they use cheap plastic that breaks all the time!

Anonymous said...

it broke!?! Already! No warranty?

Okay maybe we won't get mom and dad a new microwave....dude but the light is out looks so sad.