good times

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Harry Potter

HarryPotterBookSome lame bookstore worker in Canada put the new Harry Potter book on the shelves yesterday, just 5 days before it gets released this Saturday. Oh no! 14 of them were sold and now they are trying to bribe those people into giving the books back. That way, they won't sell it or tell anyone about the storyline ahead of time. God forbid. The sad thing is that I wouldn't even be able to finish it before Saturday if I wanted to.

Will you be there at midnight?


Ferg said...

I will be there at midnight! I don't care what you say. The war has begun and there are many questions to be answered. Who is the half-blood prince? Will Harry get an O.W.L. for potions and advance on to auror training? What will happen to the ministry of magic now that Fudge has finally admitted the return of Voldemort? I don't think I'll be sleeping this weekend!

Chang Kim said...

Hey, this is a BIG deal to some of us, Russ! I will be at my bookstore at midnight, and I will not be sleeping until it's done. Then I'll sleep a long, long time, blog about it, then read it again, this time much more slowly and with an eye for detail.

Fudge should be impeached!

Russell said...

Glad to get under everyone's skin. Joanne will be reading it as soon as it comes in the mail. Chang, will you be wearing the glasses or carving a lightning bolt into your forehead?

Anonymous said...

I am SOOO there!!! In fact I'll be driving to the mountian time zone to get it an hour earlier then I will read it as I drive back. I can't wait to find out if the magic leaves from Wagonot will help Harry and the other kids get to Keldawn safely... And what about Perfany do you think she will hook up with Gantor? I hope we find out how Harry got that scar on his forehead. I don't want to be a spoiler but I hear that he got it after he accidentily fell into a circus train car that had a lion in it and he had to use a whip to save himself. But since he didn't know how to use the whip, he him himself in the head.

...Oh yeah, don't see Fantastic 4!!

Chang Kim said...

All of the above, Russ, and a wizard hat and cloak, AND a wand!

Is River Phoenix playing Harry in this one?

Anonymous said...

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited! I can't believe I am this psyched for a angry wizard kid with a scar. My 2 most anticipated questions to be answered are(sadly)"Will Hermione and Ron get together?" & "Will Joanne convince Russell to read at least one of books in the series?" Good luck and happy reading!

Anonymous said...

Oh I so want Hermione and Ron to get together...they would be so cute....good question Joanne.

And I think it is a big "NO" to your second question...I mean it is Russ we are talking about right?