good times

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Did you watch it?

Well, if you didn't watch the 2005 Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest yesterday, you missed out. Luckily, I'll give you a summary (whether you want it or not). It was fantastic. The crowds were huge, the competition was intense, but most of all the pre-contest ESPN coverage was awesome. ESPN spared no expense on their live coverage of this great American event. They began by going over the background on some of the key competitors. Once they began talking about Kobayashi, the stats started to roll out. Check this one out:


Takeru Kobayashi was put right up there with some of the greatest sports accomplishments in history. On the prestigious list, you have the NBA, followed by the NHL, College Basketball, the Tour de France, the World Series, Wimbledon, and of course the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest. They then compared Kobayashi's shattering of the hot dog eating world record in 2001 to Babe Ruth's breaking of his own home run record in 1920. Nice.
Just before the contest began, the competitors ride in a white bus through the sea of spectators crowding the intersection of Surf and Stillwell in Coney Island. 17 competitors lined up for the 12 minute race. Kobayashi started out in first and never looked back. Sonya Thomas always stayed just behind Kobayashi, keeping her pace steady. Joey Chestnut, the rookie, started off strong and just when the audience thought he would have a "Reversal of Fortune," held on until the end.


So, who won? Kobayashi of course. Takeru Kobayashi took first with 49 hot dogs (he had 53.5 last year), giving him his 5th title in a row. Sonya Thomas took second with 37 hot dogs (a new American record) and Joey Chestnut placed third with 32 hot dogs. It looks like Sonya filled in the gap more this year, but she will have to do a lot more to catch up with Kobayashi.


Kobayashi wins a year supply of Nathan's hot dogs, but more importantly the coveted Mustard Yellow International Belt. Although there is no monetary prize involved in this contests, he took in over $500,000 last year from other contests and sponsors.


Ferg said...

Wonderful coverage. It's like I was there!

Chang Kim said...

We had it on in the background one night, but it was hard to watch. The funniest thing to me was Kobayashi's comment afterward: "I was sad." Only 49 dogs. I guess it'll just focus him to train harder for next year. :)