good times

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Joanne who?

Okay, so I guess I should come out of hiding! Russell's so good at putting events up, that I end up with nothing to say. Most of those who know me would probably disagree with that, but I guess that is what the comment section is for. OKAY!

As most of you know, I love to tell stories about work. You truly see people at their finest in the hospital setting and for the most part, one can understand why there are so many malpractice suits and medical errors occurring. (Our friend Gina, who is attending med school, might appreciate this particular story)

We have OB(obstectrical) residents on-call 24 hours in the hospital and sometimes they have medical students that basically do a "ride-along." This particular night, it was a medical student and I really think it was his first time in a hospital. The first delivery I was present in with this med student, he spent about 10 mins putting on a pair of sterile gloves. He then took his sterile hands and pushed the girl's foot back...hmmm, I think he's ready for the operating room. So I got him a new pair of gloves and started his 10 min ordeal AGAIN. By the time, he got his gloves on, the baby was out and taking her first steps.

I thought " Well, this is his first night, cut him some slack." In my next delivery, I had a fairly distressing fetal strip that called for a quick delivery. So I called them for delivery as the baby's head would be out in a few pushes and they come rushing in. The OB resident starts to get gowned up and the medical student runs to the patient's bathroom. At first, I thought he was mistaken and thought it was the supply closet...until I heard the flushing of a toliet! The resident and I stared at each other with our jaws hitting the floor as he walks by us. Looking back, I don't really remember him washing his hands because he was too busy getting verbally bashed by the resident under her breath. When you gotta go, YOU GOTTA GO!

Good times, good times.


Anonymous said...

About time you submitted something on your blog!!! Funny story by the way. Dude comforting.....nnnkaaay!

Chang Kim said...

We had to take a logic test once in AP or Honors Chem (random, I know). 21 questions, and almost everyone got 21/21, or close enough. One girl who shall go unnamed scored a 7. SEVEN. A third of the logic of her peers. For some reason, this came to mind while reading your story. Perhaps the LSAT should be incorporated into the MCAT.

Ferg said...

Great to meet you Joanne! I like your stories. That's waaay different from our work, where we instead make fun of people based on their poor 3D modeling abilities. (BTW, thanks for the nice comments on my blog!)