good times

Friday, July 15, 2005

More Birthday Fun

I had a fantastic birthday yesterday. My coworkers set up a great party for me and when I got home, Joanne set up a nice surprise dinner for me. Ribeye steaks with creamed corn and string beans. It was awesome! And my family was there, too. Boy, am I lucky!


Eddy got this great ice cream cake with Cookies & Cream ice cream in it. It was huge!


My mother-in-law got me these white roses because she says I always get her or Joanne flowers, but I never get any. They were fantastic!

Eddy and Stephanie got me these two gifts: A hilarious book of really bad Japanese inventions. (You have to take read it sometime) and a Best Buy gift card in Spanish. !Regalo! Thanks, guys.



Alan (who gave me this gift all the way from Ohio), got me this awesome flask that looks like a cell phone. 3 ounces of covert fun! This thing is amazing! I can't get over how real it looks. Thanks, Alan.


I had a great birthday. Thanks to everyone.


Anonymous said...

My mother-in-law got me these white roses because she says I always get her of Joanne flowers, but I never get any. They were fantastic!

....uh...."get her of Joanne"? I know you are fancier with the word stuff Russ, but I just can't translate this part.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Joanne...the creamed corn was awesome as always!!!!

Steak was hugely awesome too!!! So tasty.

But the green beans...I could have done without...except for that last bean that I had...good to go out on a good note.