good times

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Where's Mini ?

With the recent release of MSN's Virtual Earth, you can witness even clearer satellite images than those provided by Google Maps (of which I am a huge fan). My friend recently informed me that my car could be found sitting in the parking lot at work. Can you find me? Remember, my car's bright yellow with a black roof (and very short).


And when checking out my parents' house, I'm there too!

Should I be scared?


Anonymous said...

You're funny! I personally asked Chang to have Google monitor your're not that hard to spot!

Ferg said...

Welcome home George Orwell. Better 21 years late than never!

Chang Kim said...

I'm a big fan of MSN's image resolution. I only hope our own product catches up.

What will become of the green Rustang?

Russell said...

Dude! It's gone. Did you know that? I had to get rid of it. It's really sad. I don't want to talk about it.

Chang Kim said...

Sorry, man. :( I must have had that information at some point but completely forgotten. That blows! I won't bring it up again. I feel similar pain whenever anyone brings up my Volvo.