good times

Monday, July 25, 2005

Happy Birthday, Denise !

Today is Denise's birthday. She's turning 27 today. Happy Birthday! We celebrated on Saturday at Glenn and Michiko's house. We had a great barbecue with hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs, and cake! Look at the professional writing on the cake (it's my sad attempt at personalizing the looks like it could be anyone's name).


To celebrate, we shouted "Sadaam!". Well, actually, Glenn made us watch Control Room, a documentary about Al Jazeera, the controversial news station. Exciting, huh? No, not really. That's why we turned the movie into a drinking game. Anytime they said "Al Jazeera," "Sadaam," or "Al Qaeda," we took a drink. Believe made it watchable, barely. Here we are watching it on Glenn's new 56" HDTV. Nice.



Then, we sang "Happy Birthday" and Denise blew out the candles on her cake. Good job!

Dancing Joanne

The fun did not stop there. Next, we went to playing Karaoke Revolution on PS2. It got a little crazy. Joanne had a little too much fun singing and threw in some dancing to go with it.


Then, Glenn got up to sing and performed his crowd favorite, Toxic by Britney Spears. Don't laugh. He's definitely got some skills.


But, when he got up to sing backup on Twist and Shout by The Beatles, things got a little ugly. Here you can see Joanne and Michiko laughing their heads off while he's trying to bust some tunes.

We all had a great time. Thank you to Glenn and Michiko for the hospitality.


1 comment:

Ferg said...

Rotten Tomatoes and I disagree with you on the watchability of Control Room. It was fascinating! Man, you guys must have been smashed if you turned that into a drinking game.