good times

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Opening Day at Del Mar

That's the reason I haven't posted anything new for the past couple days. Tony invited us down to his house Tuesday night so we could prepare for Opening Day at Del Mar Horse Race Track. It was a great time. After work, Tim flew Joel and I down to Palomar Airport after work. Boy are we spoiled. Tim's a pilot and has his own plane (N78BF):


That night at Tony's house, we had some drinks, played some DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) on Tony's new plasma TV, battled in ping pong, and played some 301 in darts. I got three bullseyes in a row!


The next morning we had a fantastic breakfast and headed out to the race track. It was a hot day and the traffic to the tracks was horrendous! Once we got there it was a beautiful clear day and it was a packed house!


With my new digital SLR camera I got to take full advantage of the telephoto lens and get some great action shots of the horses during the first race of the season. Plus, we had reserved tables right on the final stretch, so our view couldn't have been any better.


I didn't win any money at the tracks, but it was a great experience that we'll have to repeat. That night, we had Beer Can Chicken and if you haven't heard of it yet, I highly suggest you give it a go. It's quite simple really. Just take a young chicken, rub it with olive oil, cover it with fresh rosemary, chipotle, salt, and pepper. Then, you take a half-full can of beer and put it "you know where." It's sits up nice and proper. Stick it in the barbecue and let it roast for an hour and half and presto! It was so nice and moist all the way through, I ate a whole half chicken!

Thanks to Tony for setting up such a great event.


Chang Kim said...

So was it a whole chicken or half a chicken? :)

Looked like an amazing outing! And nice shots with the new camera!

Russell said...

It was definitely a whole half, as opposed to whole whole. :)