good times

Friday, July 22, 2005

Long Live Preservatives!

GreenMuffinIn a disturbing discovery, a muffin from Trader Joe's was brought to work by someone here and kept in a ziploc bag for one week since he was unable to find time to eat it. Good thing! I'm not a fan of all this organic stuff out there, and now it has been reinforced. What's wrong with preservatives? This isn't a good picture, but it gets the point across. Yes, that's mold....and it wasn't a broccoli muffin either.


Ferg said...

At least it's organic mold.

Anonymous said...

omg...that is so nasty!!! I'm glad I wasn't there in person....oh we get some beauts at work though...and the stuff is's just there for an eternity before they are disposed of.