good times

Thursday, July 14, 2005

It's my birthday, too!

My coworker, Michael, put a nice big "27" on my wall behind my desk today at work. It's about 5 feet tall. And outside our office, he posted this sign:


Yes, our office has a doorbell. Doesn't yours? Recently, we even amplified the doorbell with a speaker so now it's even louder, and has some bass quality.


Chang Kim said...

Happy birthday, Russ. I am sad to miss out on the celebration, but hopefully you'll enjoy the package I sent. Don't worry, no mischief in this one. I used it all up for Alan. :)

Gina Fujikami said...

Happy Birthday, Russ!!!

l0 said...

Have a good one man. Wish I could be there. Hey, I left a comment on a blog!

Anonymous said...

Doorbell? Seriously? Where? Why?

Amp it up? Dude come on. You guys are crazy.