good times

Saturday, July 30, 2005


Last night, Eddy and I played some video games....good ol' Atari. It was great fun. Yes, we are 27 years old. What of it? Here you can see Eddy and Buster playing a game.


Here is the key to it all...the Atari. Do you remember playing?


We concentrated only on Atari 2600 games since those are the best. Can you recognize any of these?


Needless to say, Eddy got destroyed. Good times.

March of the Penguins


Last night, I went to go see
March of the Penguins with my mom. I thought it was great. I couldn't stop giggling. Those little guys are so entertaining! If you see it, you will definitely have a whole new respect for penguins, specifically the Emperor penguin (did you know they are more than 3.5 feet tall?). Narrated by Morgan Freeman, this movie follows the challenging life of these penguins. It was quite emotional...and very beautiful to watch. And to top it off...the penguins don't talk.


Friday, July 29, 2005

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Huge News !


Have you heard that P. Diddy (formerly Puff Daddy, formerly Puffy, formerly Sean Combs) will be changing his name? He said he will be announcing it at the MTV Video Music Awards at the end of August! I can't wait! This will change everything in the music industry! (Is my sarcasm obvious?)

80s Cartoon Robot Movie Craze !

We'll have to wait awhile, but in a couple years we'll be able to check out two of our favorite robot cartoons hit the big screen! Transformers and Voltron!

Michael Bay is already set to direct the Transformers movie and it is set for release on July 4, 2007. The Voltron movie was just announced and producer Mark Gordon ("Saving Private Ryan") is developing it. Who will win? The Defender of the Universe or the Tranformers who are more than meets the eye?

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Where's Mini ?

With the recent release of MSN's Virtual Earth, you can witness even clearer satellite images than those provided by Google Maps (of which I am a huge fan). My friend recently informed me that my car could be found sitting in the parking lot at work. Can you find me? Remember, my car's bright yellow with a black roof (and very short).


And when checking out my parents' house, I'm there too!

Should I be scared?

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Dilbert is an amazing comic strip. And the reason I find it so impressive is their timing. I don't know how they can be so psychic. At Boeing, we are doing our performance review right now.


Read the Fine Print !

Salt Lake Tribune reports:
In June, Co-President Stephen S. Crawford of the financial giant Morgan Stanley (who was installed in the job in order to ensure management ''stability'' during the company's currently shaky status with investors) signed a two-year contract at $16 million a year which allowed him, if he changed his mind, to resign and promptly collect all $32 million. A few days later, he resigned. The ''stability'' was needed at faltering Morgan Stanley because longtime CEO Philip J. Purcell had just been eased out, but his contract called for $113 million in severance pay.

Episode III on DVD

In less than 6 months from its release date, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, comes out on DVD on November 1st. So, if you haven't already pirated it or want a cleaner copy, you can get a legal copy soon.

I think I'll get it.

And it's off...

Discovery successfully launched on time at 7:39 this morning. Good job.


What was pretty cool was the camera they mounted on the main rocket that showed you a live view of the Shuttle's rocket jettison. Here you can see the Earth in the background, the rocket below, and the Shuttle taking off at the top of the screen. Neato.


And this is just a cool computer graphic of the Shuttle:


Discovery Launches Today

Discovery is set to launch this morning at 7:39am (Pacific Time) from Kennedy Space Center. This is the first shuttle launch since the Columbia accident in February 2003. Here is a view of Atlantis being rolled out to the launch pad.

There are 7 astronauts on this 12-day mission to deliver supplies to the International Space Station. You can follow the status of this launch live on NASA's website:

Here are some pictures of Discovery ready for launch:


Monday, July 25, 2005

Have you read Harry Potter yet?

The following story is for the following people:
  1. People who have already read the new Harry Potter book
  2. People who have no intention of reading the new Harry Potter book
  3. People that don't mind having the end of the new Harry Potter book be given away

If you are in any of the following three categories, click here. Remember, I warned you.

Willy Wonka Jackson !

I don't think I need to even comment on this one.

Willy Wonka Jackson

Happy Birthday, Denise !

Today is Denise's birthday. She's turning 27 today. Happy Birthday! We celebrated on Saturday at Glenn and Michiko's house. We had a great barbecue with hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs, and cake! Look at the professional writing on the cake (it's my sad attempt at personalizing the looks like it could be anyone's name).


To celebrate, we shouted "Sadaam!". Well, actually, Glenn made us watch Control Room, a documentary about Al Jazeera, the controversial news station. Exciting, huh? No, not really. That's why we turned the movie into a drinking game. Anytime they said "Al Jazeera," "Sadaam," or "Al Qaeda," we took a drink. Believe made it watchable, barely. Here we are watching it on Glenn's new 56" HDTV. Nice.



Then, we sang "Happy Birthday" and Denise blew out the candles on her cake. Good job!

Dancing Joanne

The fun did not stop there. Next, we went to playing Karaoke Revolution on PS2. It got a little crazy. Joanne had a little too much fun singing and threw in some dancing to go with it.


Then, Glenn got up to sing and performed his crowd favorite, Toxic by Britney Spears. Don't laugh. He's definitely got some skills.


But, when he got up to sing backup on Twist and Shout by The Beatles, things got a little ugly. Here you can see Joanne and Michiko laughing their heads off while he's trying to bust some tunes.

We all had a great time. Thank you to Glenn and Michiko for the hospitality.


Sunday, July 24, 2005

Wedding Crashers


For me, this was the last big movie of the summer. And it was fantastic! I couldn't stop laughing. Vince Vaughn makes this movie a riot! Everyone always has different opinions about comedy movies, but I'd recommend it. I'll be buying this DVD when it comes out. The only bummer on this movie is that I didn't get to see it on opening day...and I was on a streak, too. Furthermore, Joanne and I enjoyed it despite the fact that we were sitting all the up front and all the way to the left (this is bad).

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Joanne who?

Okay, so I guess I should come out of hiding! Russell's so good at putting events up, that I end up with nothing to say. Most of those who know me would probably disagree with that, but I guess that is what the comment section is for. OKAY!

As most of you know, I love to tell stories about work. You truly see people at their finest in the hospital setting and for the most part, one can understand why there are so many malpractice suits and medical errors occurring. (Our friend Gina, who is attending med school, might appreciate this particular story)

We have OB(obstectrical) residents on-call 24 hours in the hospital and sometimes they have medical students that basically do a "ride-along." This particular night, it was a medical student and I really think it was his first time in a hospital. The first delivery I was present in with this med student, he spent about 10 mins putting on a pair of sterile gloves. He then took his sterile hands and pushed the girl's foot back...hmmm, I think he's ready for the operating room. So I got him a new pair of gloves and started his 10 min ordeal AGAIN. By the time, he got his gloves on, the baby was out and taking her first steps.

I thought " Well, this is his first night, cut him some slack." In my next delivery, I had a fairly distressing fetal strip that called for a quick delivery. So I called them for delivery as the baby's head would be out in a few pushes and they come rushing in. The OB resident starts to get gowned up and the medical student runs to the patient's bathroom. At first, I thought he was mistaken and thought it was the supply closet...until I heard the flushing of a toliet! The resident and I stared at each other with our jaws hitting the floor as he walks by us. Looking back, I don't really remember him washing his hands because he was too busy getting verbally bashed by the resident under her breath. When you gotta go, YOU GOTTA GO!

Good times, good times.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Long Live Preservatives!

GreenMuffinIn a disturbing discovery, a muffin from Trader Joe's was brought to work by someone here and kept in a ziploc bag for one week since he was unable to find time to eat it. Good thing! I'm not a fan of all this organic stuff out there, and now it has been reinforced. What's wrong with preservatives? This isn't a good picture, but it gets the point across. Yes, that's mold....and it wasn't a broccoli muffin either.

What's up with the Lakers?

The Lakers. They are achangin'. The bad news is that Ronny Turiaf (our second draft pick this year) has an open heart surgery scheduled sometime soon. He was diagnosed with an enlarged aortic root during his first physical with the Lakers. It is a life threatening condition and we hope everything goes well.


On other news, rumor is that we are trying to get our hands on a new point guard: Tyronn Lue of the Atlanta Hawks, Damon Stoudemire of the Portland Trailblazers, or Gary Payton??? I don't know what's going on here.


And did you hear that Vlade Divac just announced his retirement? His physical condition had not been too good and we never got to see much from him after we got him back from the Kings. Farewell, Vlade. Some of us liked you, others....not as much.

And Kobe is back! Nike just put him is their recent ads for their 2K5 Huarache shoes. And you thought he'd never recover from the court trials. Check him out!


Happy Birthday, Haswell !


Yesterday we celebrated Mike Haswell's birthday here at work. We went to In-N-Out for lunch. And for only being In-N-Out, it was quite an event!


For his meal, we got him a Quintuple Quintuple, AKA a 5x5 (5 patties and 5 slices of cheese). It was a pretty solid burger!

We got him an official In-N-Out hat and T-shirt and he was all set! (T-shirt not shown)


Here he is posing with his new hat and then taking his first bite of the 5x5.


Afterward, I tested out the new camera again and caught this Southwest jet flying overhead.


Google Moon


My friend just informed me of Google Moon. Google set it up to honor the first manned moon landing on July 20, 1969.

Check it out:

And don't forget to zoom in all the way.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Opening Day at Del Mar

That's the reason I haven't posted anything new for the past couple days. Tony invited us down to his house Tuesday night so we could prepare for Opening Day at Del Mar Horse Race Track. It was a great time. After work, Tim flew Joel and I down to Palomar Airport after work. Boy are we spoiled. Tim's a pilot and has his own plane (N78BF):


That night at Tony's house, we had some drinks, played some DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) on Tony's new plasma TV, battled in ping pong, and played some 301 in darts. I got three bullseyes in a row!


The next morning we had a fantastic breakfast and headed out to the race track. It was a hot day and the traffic to the tracks was horrendous! Once we got there it was a beautiful clear day and it was a packed house!


With my new digital SLR camera I got to take full advantage of the telephoto lens and get some great action shots of the horses during the first race of the season. Plus, we had reserved tables right on the final stretch, so our view couldn't have been any better.


I didn't win any money at the tracks, but it was a great experience that we'll have to repeat. That night, we had Beer Can Chicken and if you haven't heard of it yet, I highly suggest you give it a go. It's quite simple really. Just take a young chicken, rub it with olive oil, cover it with fresh rosemary, chipotle, salt, and pepper. Then, you take a half-full can of beer and put it "you know where." It's sits up nice and proper. Stick it in the barbecue and let it roast for an hour and half and presto! It was so nice and moist all the way through, I ate a whole half chicken!

Thanks to Tony for setting up such a great event.