good times

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Happy Birthday, Joel !

Today is Joel's birthday and at work we had the typical photo cake made just for him.

Don't ask.
Happy XXst birthday, Joel. Enjoy your day.

Later on, we went to dinner at Bluewater Grill in Redondo Beach. Joel tried some oysters, but that didn't work out too well for him.

Amy got Joel a nice ice cream cake for his birthday.
Blowin' out the candles.Amy and Joel
It was a fun party. Thanks for setting it up, Amy.
The Birthday Party


Anonymous said...

Tell that bastard Happy Birthday from me.

Oh, and while you are at it, you are probably the only one who'll appreciate this:

Anonymous said...

that should've been .mp3, and a hyperlink.

I suck at this internet stuff.

Try this.