good times

Monday, November 28, 2005

A great Thanksgiving weekend.

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Ours was great. (Thanks for asking.) The miracle was that Joanne had the entire weekend off from work! Here's a recap:

On Thanksgiving day, we had dinner at the Miyaji's house. Glenn made us some fried was our first experience, as well as his. We had that along with some crab legs, amazing appetizers, and sushi.

Glenn, the Turkey Fryer
HUGE crab legs!Taeko's Fruit Platter
Happy Thanksgiving!

On Friday, our friend Gene came in from Japan. We went to go do some after Thanksgiving shopping with him. He bought a new iPod and a portable DVD player. Who would've thought someone from Japan would come here to buy electronics?

Later that night, our friends came over and we just hung out and played 90s Trivial Pursuit.

90s Trivial Pursuit

The next morning, we got up early and began preparing the food for our Saturday Thanksgiving. Joanne and mom did the turkey preparation. Buster helped, too.

Buttering the turkey.Mom, Steph, Joanne, Gene, and Buster
Getting the rolls ready.Anything up there?

We had 16 people enjoying the Thanksgiving meal. We ran out of table space, but everything worked out alright. The food was excellent and we were all stuffed afterward.

Happy Thanksgiving!
The food line....and ham.

The TV show Lost was played throughout the entire day and through the night. Gene insisted on seeing as much as he could, so by 4am we completed Disc #5 of 6. (and we finished Disc #6 the next morning)


Jacob had a good time, but got a little tired at the end. Later on, we busted out the old Rebound game, too. What a great game...

Jeff and JacobREBOUND!

The girls played Pounce and Joanne was awarded 'Steel Thumbs' for her achievement in beating Steph. Congratulations.

Playing Pounce...again.Joanne was awarded Steel Thumbs for beating Steph.

On Sunday, we went to The Grove in Hollywood with Eddy, Steph, and Alan. It was nicely decorated for Christmas, complete with a huge Christmas tree. We rode on the trolley, too! (that was THE highlight of the evening)

Sunset at the GroveFinally got a spot on the trolley.
Holiday decorations at the Grove.

And now, back to work!

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