good times

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

It's time for Christmas Lights.

In case you were thinking of going all out this year with the Christmas decorations, just remember that there's always someone who'll outdo you.

Case in point. (Click here) WMV, 4.83MB


Chang Kim said...

It's case in point, but whatever. :)

Your case in point actually refutes your point. The owners of this house went all out, and I have yet to see evidence of someone who's outdone them. Someone has to be best, right? :)

Of course, in this case, "best" is a questionable honor.

Russell said...

Grammar repaired.

My point is valid:

"there's always someone who'll outdo you."

Even the best can be outdone. :)

Moral of the story: Never try to be the best.