Before I go any further, let me explain. Trapped in the Closet has got to be the worst "song" I have ever heard. It has R Kelly narrating this ridiculous soap opera drama with this really bad repeating background. There is no melody, no chorus, and he just keeps talking about what he said and what she said. The best part is that the song is broken up into 12 chapters (so far) and each one has a really bad cliffhanger, so you are left with a desire for more.
If you haven't already, you have to see for yourself. Check out Chapter 1 here.
Want more? Check out Chapter 2 here. (Let the commercials play first)
There have been 8 chapters that have played on the radio. I have only seen the videos for 1 and 2, but have followed the story in the first 8. The story starts with Sylvester, played by R Kelly. This is the madness that has occurred so far (note the legend at the bottom):
Isn't that fantastic? It's a love spider web. The best news is that R Kelly just came out with the DVD with all 12 chapters in it. Netflix won't have it available until tomorrow, so we'll check out the last 4 chapters when I get it in. We'll be following it closely...
It's a hip hopera. it...I read your blog in the wrong order...I started from the top....dude I remember you talking about this horrible!!!!
Oh hey....I thought the entry was going to be about basketball player that cross dresses...what is his name...with the rather large nose? But then I read it so I did a double take with the pic and then noticed...yeah maybe it is not him...
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