good times

Friday, April 13, 2007

Peepnapped !

I came back from lunch this past Monday and noticed something on my desk. It was a threat letter...for my Peeps! They had been Peepnapped!

Peepnapped Day 1

Immediately everyone was a suspect. I questioned some people around me and there were no positive leads. We had a mystery on our hands. I could only think about the torture 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 Peeps were feeling. At least they had each other. Since the leads went cold, I waited. The next day, this came:

Peepnapped Day 2

They were being held at knifepoint! I anxiously awaited the coming demands.

Then, yesterday at our team meeting, my project leader put this up on the screen:

Peepnapped Day 3

It was him the whole time! He was the last person on my suspect list. Amazing...he got me good.

Guess I deserved it after the things I had done to him. It's rare that pranks are pulled on me, but when they do, they're often pretty good.

At least my Peeps are safe now.


Miss Lala said...

i think your kidnapper is the one that is not smarter THAN a 5th grader. ;)

then again, i guess math skills are more important than spelling and grammar in your industry anyway. =)

(this from the person who rarely uses proper capitalization. =P)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh that is too funny! Man you sure must have done a lot of stuff to your project leader to do that! Well he should have just done away with them....those things are nasty! He actually touched them!?

"TW" man?

Russell said...

TW is my project leader's initials.

Ferg said...

While I never got to know 2006 Peep or 2007 Peep, I was quite fond of 2004 Peep and 2005 Peep. I remember how crushed you were after 2004 Peep had surgery. I'm glad they survived this terrible ordeal unharmed, although it may take years of counselling to fully recover. For you, I mean.

ac3 said...

dude... I told u it wasn't me.