good times

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Peep Jousting

Yes, this is the 3rd blog entry about Peeps, but who's counting? Once I heard about Peep jousting, I knew we had to give it a try. So we were at Rite-Aid the other day and found Peeps for 50% off (after Easter sale). Hard to pass that up. How does Peep Jousting work? Well you face two Peeps toward each other, armed with a toothpick, and pop them in the microwave to duke it out! They inflate in the microwave and the first one to get poked loses! We set up a 4-Peep tournament bracket to settle who was the #1 Peep. Here you can see "Black-Eyed Peeps" and "Peeping Tom" in ready position.

Peep Jousting

You want to see some Peep Jousting in action? Here is the final matchup..."Jeepers Peepers" wins!

We also learned that it's very important to have the Peeps battle on a rotating turntable or else one of the Peeps will get all the microwave heat. Watch the one on the left!

Then, there is always the aftermath:
Peep Jousting


Anonymous said...

Okay that aftermath picture was nasty. Too funny...did they make a noise when they were being nuked and then popped?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you posted the video. Too funny!

Miss Lala said...

peeptastic yo!

(don't let the pink peeps see that footage!) ;)

Unknown said...

Sometimes I feel like I have a baby, a furry 2 year old & a teenager in the house. (Ex. peep footage/blog)

Chang Kim said...

Had to include me opening the door, huh? :)

Russell said...

The door opening made it a great video.