good times

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Long Beach Grand Prix

We went out to enjoy a great day at the Long Beach Grand Prix this past Sunday. It was a beautiful day and we were in a hotel during the entire race! Our friend Alan is an assistant race engineer for Forsythe Racing (that's his car in the picture) so we hung out in his hotel room at the Long Beach Hyatt Regency. Check out the view:

Great view with the Forsythe CarGreat view of the Grand Prix

This view was not without a price. Alan's hotel room was on the 1st floor so Chang went out to seek a better view. He discovered a mini balcony by the stairwell that had a perfect view of the race! Sure the hotel security didn't like us being there (we were supposedly spotted by a nearby helicopter), but they were even less impressed when they caught us on a different balcony just a half hour later.

Our "exclusive" balcony view

We even went up to the 17th floor to get another nice view. Just one floor up, people were paying $185 for this view.

View from the 17th floorJust one floor from the $185 ticket view.

Here are some views of Alan's car in action. Thanks, Chang, for taking the pics for me.

Forsythe's CarServia's car

I was trying to post up some video, but I'll have to post it up tomorrow. But I did catch a great sequence of the Formula Drift event. Very cool.

Formula Drift ActionFormula Drift ActionFormula Drift ActionFormula Drift ActionFormula Drift ActionFormula Drift ActionFormula Drift ActionFormula Drift Action

Thanks again, Alan, for the great time!


Miss Lala said...


dude. my friend called saturday night to see if i could come down to LB to hang out after they did the parachute demo on sunday, and i had to turn him down because i had to be at chuck e. cheese's for a kiddie birthday party.

sometimes life is cruel. :P

l0 said...

Thanks for coming out guys. Even though I didn't see you guys until after the race it was cool knowing my friends were there.

Chang Kim said...

We doing it again in San Jose?