good times

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Peep Show

Check out the latest Peep Parade for 2007. If you aren't familiar with my Peep collection, I have been collecting one Peep each year for the past 4 years. Here is my blog entry from last year (LINK). Now that 2007 has come, a new Peep has been born.

Peep Lineup
Peep Lineup
From left to right, there is Peep 2004, Peep 2005, Peep 2006, and Peep 2007. Peeps 2004, 2005, and 2006 are all rock hard, but you can see the pink color fading as they get older.

Peep 2007 is happy to be here to ring in the new Easter season. Happy Easter!


Ferg said...

I can't beleive 2004 Peep is still kickin', especially after the OOS tragedy. Thank goodness for epoxy.

Unknown said...

Never been prouder of my baby daddy...

Miss Lala said...

did you hear them talking about peep jousting on kevin and bean this morning? i thought of you. we need to try this when i come over to scrapbook (read: play wii) next time.

they were also talking about formula drift this morning too. i totally think we should go to the finals in october. it's in irwindale.

still no speed channel at my apartment. arg.

Anonymous said...

I think the next blog entry should be you tasting a piece of peep from each year.

Anonymous said...

you have to watch the South Park from this week.... Good reference to what "Peeps" are all about. Exploding Peeps.

Unknown said...

I don't know if he should taste the peeps from previous years since he kisses Jack with the same mouth. Of course I mean Jack H. and not Jack O. (Or do I?):)

Russell said...

Glad to see that the Peeps have sparked such great conversation.

I have to try out the peep jousting in my microwave this weekend.

Formula Drift! I wanna go!