good times

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

11 weeks and counting...

Jack has enjoyed 11 weeks of life and he's spent the last few weeks working out his back and neck muscles enough to accomplish his latest stunt. He can now lift up his head and hold it steady! He gets pretty pumped because he's been working really hard on it.

Hey there!
Happy Jack

He can hold it up for quite a while, but then he's gotta take a rest.
Okay, I'm tired.

He met Mia for the first time last week. Mia is Mark and Natasha's daughter. She's one month older than Jack. Could Jack be trying for an older woman?
Jack meets Mia

Kristine came over the other day to enjoy scrapbooking, hangin' with Jack, and playing some Wii.
Kristine, Jack, and Joanne

The family came over the other night and played Wii bowling for the first time. They did awesome. Joanne's mom got a 190 on her second game!
Obaachan Wii bowlingOjiichan Wii bowling

Daniel and Preston celebrated their 30th and 2nd birthdays together and had us all over to their house to celebrate. Amy did a great job organizing a super Elmo birthday party! Daniel set up a birthday party Triathlon including mini-basketball, water jug bowling, and sudoku!
Presto and Daniel's Birthday!Who loves Elmo?

Presto even had his shot fighting his dad at Wii boxing!
Daniel and Presto Wii Boxing

And just last night, Alan came into town for the Long Beach Grand Prix (since he's an assistant race engineer for Forsythe Racing). He met Jack for the first time!
Alan meets Jack

Jack's been so happy lately...always smiling and giggling. He makes my day perfect just by giving me a smile when I come home from work.
I'm Too Excited To Sleep!


Anonymous said...

He's the cutest...whose baby is that?! :P

Miss Lala said...

dude. the onesie made it to the blog. I'M TOO EXCITED TO WORK! =)

okay, no really though. i'm going to steal your child. it's just a matter of time. don't worry, i'll let you visit. ;)

Anonymous said...

How does he keep getting cuter! Jack you are the best. Yeah Joanne how did you and Russ do such a great job on Jack?!? Hmmm....

Okay the announcement....I have it on my fridge and everytime I go by it I actually coo at it! I can't stop...I miss that little ball of cuteness!