good times

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Daylight Savings Takesie Backsie?

DaylightSavingsSo, it sounds like the change to an earlier Daylight Savings did not amount to any significant energy savings and only managed to cause chaos to computer systems nationwide. Guess they might go back to the conventional early April Daylight Savings next year. (LINK)


Anonymous said...

I'm glad if they do go what a pain it was a work. Having to change the times twice in a year is already a pain for me....but 3 times! Possibly 4! Not fun.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Steph. Having those auto-adjusting clocks that use the old daylight savings schedule (and no updating mechanism) causes me to adjust those clocks four times a year instead of the traditional two!

Also I heard that the extra afternoon daylight causes people to go out more often after work, causing a higher demand on gasoline and driving prices up.