good times

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The New Queue

Thanks for all the great input, guys! I've updated our queue to reflect the great suggestions you provided. Looks like Children of Men and Shaun of the Dead come first! Here's how the new queue looks:


The poll will remain open so let me know if you have any other suggestions. Hopefully I will time to watch all of these!


Ferg said...

Dramas? Documentaries? This looks like it could be Ferg's queue. Has fatherhood refined your cinematic tastes?

David said...

Let me know how that Outrageous Fortune works for you.

Chang Kim said...

Children of Men rules! I would also add United 93 to the list. Obviously a tough movie, but really well done.

By the way, time for that poll on the nav bar to go the way of the Susan B. Anthony. :)