good times

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The New Queue

Thanks for all the great input, guys! I've updated our queue to reflect the great suggestions you provided. Looks like Children of Men and Shaun of the Dead come first! Here's how the new queue looks:


The poll will remain open so let me know if you have any other suggestions. Hopefully I will time to watch all of these!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Paid Family Leave

Two more days of work and I'll be chillin' at home with Jack for 4 weeks! Gotta love California Disability and the Paid Family Leave program. With 4 whole weeks, I'll probably have a little more spare time after the diaper changes and bottle feeding. So, I thought it was my time to get my money's worth from Netflix. Joanne is the primary Netflix user, filling our queue with chick flicks (not that that's a bad thing).


So, does anyone have any suggestions for my Netflix queue? I have a few movies I've been meaning to see: Unforgiven, Caddyshack, Shaun of the Dead, Maltese Falcon, Godfather II, and Sin City. Clearly I'm not looking for any particular movie genre. Has anyone seen any good movies lately? I could use some help.

Make a suggestion in my Twiigs poll!

Monday, April 23, 2007

ABC Live Mega Doppler 7000 HD

I don't have much more to say other than "How great is the name of ABC's new doppler radar?" It used to be ABC Doppler 7000 Plus. Glad they threw in the 'HD'. Now I know where I'm going for my weather report...


Happy 3 Months, Jack !

Yesterday, Jack turned 3 months old. He had a great day yesterday, being watched by the whole family and getting a new toy chest from Grandma, Grandpa, and Auntie Steph. To celebrate, Jack has been working hard on his latest project, Project Flip. For the first time, Jack turned over from his tummy to his back...all by himself! And here he is making his YouTube debut:

Jack loves napping...especially laughing while napping. Here you can see his favorite Pooh making him laugh during his nap:

Also, here is the announcement we sent out to welcome Jack. If you want a copy, let me know!

Jack's Announcement
Jack's Announcement

Happy Birthday, Jack.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Farewell, Sanjaya !

Well, I guess there's no reason to watch American Idol anymore.

If you didn't hear, the show's most entertaining contestant, Sanjaya Malakar, was "voted" off...only making the Top 7. I put "voted" in quotes because I think it was completely rigged. Sanjaya had all sorts of press for being the worst contestant on the show, with a whole army of people voting for him to move ahead. Howard Stern backed Sanjaya up by supporting the website,, in the hopes that it would end American Idol. And right in the peak of Sanjaya's hype...he gets cut. RIGGED! American Idol was getting lots of negative press for Sanjaya's success, saying that if he were to win, the show would be considered a sham. They clearly cut him despite his vote count. Time to change the name of the show from American Idol to Fox Network Idol.

Thanks, Sanjaya, for the laughs. We'll miss your weird hairstyles and creepy smiles.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Peep Jousting

Yes, this is the 3rd blog entry about Peeps, but who's counting? Once I heard about Peep jousting, I knew we had to give it a try. So we were at Rite-Aid the other day and found Peeps for 50% off (after Easter sale). Hard to pass that up. How does Peep Jousting work? Well you face two Peeps toward each other, armed with a toothpick, and pop them in the microwave to duke it out! They inflate in the microwave and the first one to get poked loses! We set up a 4-Peep tournament bracket to settle who was the #1 Peep. Here you can see "Black-Eyed Peeps" and "Peeping Tom" in ready position.

Peep Jousting

You want to see some Peep Jousting in action? Here is the final matchup..."Jeepers Peepers" wins!

We also learned that it's very important to have the Peeps battle on a rotating turntable or else one of the Peeps will get all the microwave heat. Watch the one on the left!

Then, there is always the aftermath:
Peep Jousting

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Long Beach Grand Prix Videos!

I don't get around to posting many things on YouTube, but I thought I could at least post up some of the footage from the races that day. Come on over to our house if you want to see the High Def footage.

From the 8th floor of the Hyatt:

All the cars making the tight turn:'s Alan Lo on TV!

Long Beach Grand Prix

We went out to enjoy a great day at the Long Beach Grand Prix this past Sunday. It was a beautiful day and we were in a hotel during the entire race! Our friend Alan is an assistant race engineer for Forsythe Racing (that's his car in the picture) so we hung out in his hotel room at the Long Beach Hyatt Regency. Check out the view:

Great view with the Forsythe CarGreat view of the Grand Prix

This view was not without a price. Alan's hotel room was on the 1st floor so Chang went out to seek a better view. He discovered a mini balcony by the stairwell that had a perfect view of the race! Sure the hotel security didn't like us being there (we were supposedly spotted by a nearby helicopter), but they were even less impressed when they caught us on a different balcony just a half hour later.

Our "exclusive" balcony view

We even went up to the 17th floor to get another nice view. Just one floor up, people were paying $185 for this view.

View from the 17th floorJust one floor from the $185 ticket view.

Here are some views of Alan's car in action. Thanks, Chang, for taking the pics for me.

Forsythe's CarServia's car

I was trying to post up some video, but I'll have to post it up tomorrow. But I did catch a great sequence of the Formula Drift event. Very cool.

Formula Drift ActionFormula Drift ActionFormula Drift ActionFormula Drift ActionFormula Drift ActionFormula Drift ActionFormula Drift ActionFormula Drift Action

Thanks again, Alan, for the great time!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Peepnapped !

I came back from lunch this past Monday and noticed something on my desk. It was a threat letter...for my Peeps! They had been Peepnapped!

Peepnapped Day 1

Immediately everyone was a suspect. I questioned some people around me and there were no positive leads. We had a mystery on our hands. I could only think about the torture 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 Peeps were feeling. At least they had each other. Since the leads went cold, I waited. The next day, this came:

Peepnapped Day 2

They were being held at knifepoint! I anxiously awaited the coming demands.

Then, yesterday at our team meeting, my project leader put this up on the screen:

Peepnapped Day 3

It was him the whole time! He was the last person on my suspect list. Amazing...he got me good.

Guess I deserved it after the things I had done to him. It's rare that pranks are pulled on me, but when they do, they're often pretty good.

At least my Peeps are safe now.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Singles in America

Since I'm married, I'm no longer a this map. But does Jack count now?

The results of this National Geographic study is truly shocking. The population of single men versus women is completely split from east coast to west coast. Looks like people in LA need to get together with the people in New York City.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

11 weeks and counting...

Jack has enjoyed 11 weeks of life and he's spent the last few weeks working out his back and neck muscles enough to accomplish his latest stunt. He can now lift up his head and hold it steady! He gets pretty pumped because he's been working really hard on it.

Hey there!
Happy Jack

He can hold it up for quite a while, but then he's gotta take a rest.
Okay, I'm tired.

He met Mia for the first time last week. Mia is Mark and Natasha's daughter. She's one month older than Jack. Could Jack be trying for an older woman?
Jack meets Mia

Kristine came over the other day to enjoy scrapbooking, hangin' with Jack, and playing some Wii.
Kristine, Jack, and Joanne

The family came over the other night and played Wii bowling for the first time. They did awesome. Joanne's mom got a 190 on her second game!
Obaachan Wii bowlingOjiichan Wii bowling

Daniel and Preston celebrated their 30th and 2nd birthdays together and had us all over to their house to celebrate. Amy did a great job organizing a super Elmo birthday party! Daniel set up a birthday party Triathlon including mini-basketball, water jug bowling, and sudoku!
Presto and Daniel's Birthday!Who loves Elmo?

Presto even had his shot fighting his dad at Wii boxing!
Daniel and Presto Wii Boxing

And just last night, Alan came into town for the Long Beach Grand Prix (since he's an assistant race engineer for Forsythe Racing). He met Jack for the first time!
Alan meets Jack

Jack's been so happy lately...always smiling and giggling. He makes my day perfect just by giving me a smile when I come home from work.
I'm Too Excited To Sleep!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Peep Show

Check out the latest Peep Parade for 2007. If you aren't familiar with my Peep collection, I have been collecting one Peep each year for the past 4 years. Here is my blog entry from last year (LINK). Now that 2007 has come, a new Peep has been born.

Peep Lineup
Peep Lineup
From left to right, there is Peep 2004, Peep 2005, Peep 2006, and Peep 2007. Peeps 2004, 2005, and 2006 are all rock hard, but you can see the pink color fading as they get older.

Peep 2007 is happy to be here to ring in the new Easter season. Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Nintendo !!!

With all the Wii excitement, I have found a website with 100 Nintendo games you can play within your own web browser! (LINK)


Daylight Savings Takesie Backsie?

DaylightSavingsSo, it sounds like the change to an earlier Daylight Savings did not amount to any significant energy savings and only managed to cause chaos to computer systems nationwide. Guess they might go back to the conventional early April Daylight Savings next year. (LINK)

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Wiimarkable !

Nintendo Wii

This past Sunday I finally took the plunge and went to go pick up a Wii. It's been out since November, but they are still selling out! They've sold 4.8 million of them already. I woke up Sunday morning at 6:30 while Jack and Joanne were sleeping. I showed up to WalMart at 7:00 and I was the second one there. They only had 4 of them! Crazy! Anyway, I was very happy to be successful on my first attempt. I have 4 games now: Wii Sports, Wii Play, Excite Truck, and Wario's Smooth Moves. Haven't played the latter 2 much yet. After just a couple days of playing with it, I love it! It's wiimarkable! By the way, Joanne (my wiife) hates all words that start with 'wii' now.

Things I like best about the Wii:
- the design is very clean and simple
- the wii controller (wiimote) works so well, and is very responsive
- the games are fun and simple
- I can browse the internet on our TV!
- creating an instant slide show directly from my camera's memory card
- Joanne likes playing the games with me
- I can download old Nintendo games (Super Mario Brothers and Zelda!)

The Wii even has its own email address and flashes a light when it has wii-mail. Speaking of, Jack and Buster just got new email addresses.


Come on over sometime and play with Wii with us!
The guys playing the Wii.