good times

Friday, January 06, 2006

Exam Time

Couple of tests for you to get your weekend started:

The Geek Test: (LINK) I'm sure you've taken a test like this one before. A little long, but there is an intermission in the middle. A little scary how revealing this was for me. Here are some of the items I had to check off:

I have quoted Yoda in conversation or debate.
I want a real lightsaber.
I play with Lego.
I own pre-1985 video game console.
I have created a website.
I know the value of pi (to 10 digits).

Qualified as 'Geek,' just shades below 'Total Geek.'


Typing Test: (LINK) Always good to know your words per minute. I think our weblog has probably contributed to the increase in my typing speed.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Not bad for someone who can't type...I guess.