good times

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Trapped in the Closet UPDATE !

TrappedintheClosetDVDWell, with my recent acquisition of Trapped in the Closet through Netflix, I am complete. I have now seen all 12 glorious chapters of the amazing hip-hopera. Pure genius. R. Kelly himself said that Trapped in the Closet will be around for a long time (he thinks it will even outlast him). I, myself, find it impossible to ever forget it.

As soon as we got the DVD in the mail, Joanne and I sat down and watched it (Joanne wasn't too happy about it). It wasn't long before I was able to see someone who was cheating on someone who was also cheating on them with someone else who was cheating on them (you get the picture).

Things definitely pinnacled during the scene in the kitchen. Who would've thought it was a midget! I thoroughly enjoyed R. Kelly's work in singing every character's lines (he sings on top of the characters mouthing their lines). My favorite is when he sings Bridget's lines with her southern accent. That couldn't have been more hilarious.

R. Kelly is a poetry master. Here's my favorite line (uncensored):

He says "Move", she says "No", he says "Move", she says "No", "BITCH MOVE!" SHE MOVES!

So after 12 chapters, here we are:


After my last update (LINK), we've added "Big Man" the midget and some new connections have developed. And, after watching the credits scroll, R. Kelly steps in and tells us to not forget about Roxanne and Tina. And now we're waiting for the next 20 chapters.

So, go and check this out as soon as you can. You won't be (too) disappointed!


Anonymous said...

I love that he rhymed Bridget with midget. I hear the next few chapters will have character names like Tucker and Ennis. hehe. Ennis.

Anonymous said...

Dude this thing is insane. Joanne must so be enjoying the videos. Lucky Joanne. Dude there is more than one movie? They are in chapters? On my gosh. Dude how freakin' lame! This is worse than I thought.

Ennis? Wow...I want a guy named Ennis. Hey is that the name of the guy on Dukes of Hazzard?

Anonymous said...

But dude...that "move" part...that is so funny! What a lyrical master he is.