good times

Monday, January 16, 2006

Hot Dog Eating Contest

No, it's not the 4th of July and this is not the official Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest. It was the first ever 7 Card Studs Hot Dog Eating Contest! Apparently Daniel found a deal on some hot dogs, so we opted to have those as our pre-poker game meal. Instead of just having a few leisurely dogs, it developed into a hot dog eating contest.

Time to grill 'em up!

In the spirit of the Nathan's 4th of July contest, we decided on a 12-minute event to see who could eat the most hot dogs (with buns). Same rules applied including the "No reversals of fortune" rule. Check out the dogs:

Don't those look yummy?

Here are some photos of the intense competition:

Daniel-san is focused.Victory!
One half at a time.Kobayashi was getting serious.

Here are the final results:
Kevin - 8.0 hot dogs
Daniel - 7.5 hot dogs
Glenn - 7.0 hot dogs
Russell - 6.5 hot dogs

As expected, Kevin "Kobayashi" (His real last name) took first place. He was in the lead the entire competition. He even slowed up at the end. We were all a half dog apart. I took last place, but I was still impressed that I was able to put down 6.5 (and I finished the last half of the hot dog after the 12 minutes). Overall, we ate 29 hot dogs!

The Contenders.

We definitely have even more appreciation for Kobayashi's world record of 53 1/2 hot dogs now. For more hot dog fun, here's my blog entry from the 4th of July competition. (LINK)


Miss Lala said...

dude...i could have caused some serious damage in this contest.

and now...i'm hungry. thanks a lot russell.

Gina Fujikami said...

I didn't know they actually sold cheese dogs!

Anonymous said...

Is my brother trying to do "westside" with his fingers? I am trying to figure out what part of this entry is sadder. My brother, my husband, and my friends are dumb. Time to pause and reflect.