good times

Friday, May 11, 2007

Two Awesome Weeks

For the past two weeks, Joanne, Jack and I have been able to enjoy a vacation together as a family. It's been a great's too bad Joanne goes back to work next week. I'll have two weeks with just Jack and true test as a father. I think I'm ready.

Lately, Jack has been cracking up a whole lot. Mom is definitely the best at making him laugh. Check out this new video clip of those two in action:


Jack has also learned how to play his first instrument...the trumpet!
Playin the trumpet

We've also been able to pay a visit to Disneyland with Daniel and Amy. Jack went on his first ride...The Disney Railway! We're going to try going to Disney's California Adventure tonight!

In line for the Disney Railway
We also met my coworkers for lunch on Wednesday. Good ol' Back Home in Lahaina. Thanks guys for making it out to meet Jack! And no, I'm not missing work.

Lunch with Boeing

Here are some other new pictures of our favorite little boy:

In the big chair
I'm sitting up!
My new rattle
Me 'n Pooh


Anonymous said...

I love videos of Jack laughing! Joanne sure can make her son laugh. She makes me laugh too....silly Joanne.

I love the pics too...especially that last one...the super close up one with Pooh! I love that! His eyes look super awesome!

Jack I can't get any cuter. It just wouldn't be fair.

Miss Lala said...

i've watched that laughy clip, like, 15 times. jack is a great pick me up for poopy days at the office. ;)