good times

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Lost is back.


I'm not sure if you saw last night's Lost season finale, but it was fantastic...especially after seeing last week's Heroes finale. I won't say anything in case you Tivo'd it and are waiting to watch it tonight, but I think you'll enjoy the 2 hours of action packed plot development which has been lacking from the show the past 2 seasons.

Are you still watching Lost? Vote in the poll to the right.


Chang Kim said...

Lost has been back, for at least the last couple of months. It came back from the hiatus strong.

Now we have to wait eight freakin' months for the next episode!

Miss Lala said...

if it is a new episode wednesday, i rarely make it to bed (now past my bedtime, thanks to the 10 pm timeslot), without saying "i hate this show and i hate you for dragging me into watching it, kristine!"

stupid lost. why do i love thee so? ;)

boy am i glad i stuck to my vow to boycott heroes until i can watch the entire series from start to finish on dvd. sounds like i saved myself some pain and frustration on that front.

okay, but lest get to the important stuff... so you think you can dance started up last night! woohoo! =)

wow, russ, i think i should have just sent you an e-mail. =P