good times

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Star Wars Celebration IV

Not sure if any of you had the opportunity to check out the Star Wars Convention this past weekend. It was awesome! Okay, well I'm a huge Star Wars fan, but I think there was entertainment for everyone. Stephanie, Joanne, Jack, and I made the trip over to the LA Convention Center on Monday. Needless to say, I took lots of video and pictures. As soon as we got there, I took my picture with a couple Stormtroopers. Those guys were everywhere!

The Stormtroopers

Here's an overview video just walking into the main convention hall. Check out the Darth Vader Samurai!

Jabba the Hutt was there. "Cheethah, peechalk wonky Chewbacca."
Jabba the Hutt

Greedo, too. "Son picha le!"

As you know, the costumes are one of the best reasons to check out one of these conventions. Tons of people came in full dress and even more had lightsabers in hand. Check them out!

The highlight of the day was the Autograph Hall. They had tons of people signing...Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher), Anakin (Jake Lloyd), Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), Darth Vader (David Prowse), Darth Maul (Ray Park), C-3PO (Anthony Daniels), R2-D2 (Kenny Baker), Ewoks, Jedis, and Jawas.

I decided to get autographs from Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) and Kenny Baker (R2-D2). In the video you can see me getting the autograph from Kenny Baker.

Anthony DanielsKenny Baker

Anthony Daniels was a really friendly guy who speaks EXACTLY like C-3PO! It was pretty amazing. Check out the autograph:

C-3PO and R2-D2 Autograph

Kenny Baker, on the other hand, was really tired when I got his autograph. REALLY tired. He fell asleep in the middle of my autograph! Look at his signature...see that line below the 'a'? That's where he rested his Sharpie during his 10 second nap I guess R2 was having a pretty rough day.

Kenny Baker Autograph

Jack had a great day at the convention. He spent most of his time in his Bjorn on my chest. It was lots of fun.

Jack and I with the Droids

By the end of the day, he became a full-blown Jedi.

Jedi Jack

And to end the day, I finally got to see the R2-D2 mailbox! Was I the last one to finally see one?

R2-D2 Mailbox

I do have one more video if you are interested...(LINK)


Miss Lala said...

how did stormtrooper elvis (seen behind the hutt) not get more attention in the post? now THAT is good times! =D

so, be honest russ. sunday night... were you too excited to sleep?

man, that never gets old. well, to me anyway. ;)

Chang Kim said...

I think this is my favorite Russell blog entry ever, just on the basis of the inclusion of my two favorite Star Wars quotes ever! I laughed so hard, great touch. Incredible that Jabba inspired my Stanford email ID. If I had a nickel for everyone who told me I had misspelled cheetah...

What was the crowd all charged up about at the end of that first video?

Russell said...

Sorry, Lara. I should've given Elvis a little more attention, but we saw him right when we got there...and I was too inundated by all the Star Wars greatness. And, yes, Joanne can vouch for me...I was pretty pumped the night previous.

Glad to please, Chang. Those quotes are hard to beat...well there is "Alright, alright, alright!"

That crowd at the end was ridiculous. They were playing one of those Star Wars card games (like Magic) and people were winning prizes. Quite hilarious indeed.

Chang Kim said...

I care.