good times

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Save the cheerleader? Save this show!

Heroes was great again last night. The show's pace is great and it definitely keeps you interested.

Lost? I don't know what those guys are thinking. How long can you drag these storylines out? They waste hours upon hours developing pointless storylines and spend no time tying up any plot lines. Exhausting.


Chang Kim said...

I flip back and forth between which show I prefer, depending on the quality of that week's episode. If you asked me two weeks ago which one was better, I'd say Lost easily. Now I'm leaning back towards Heroes. :)

Thankfully I don't have to choose.

Kevin said...

Well, I've been a HUGE "Lost" fan for the past few years. I do admit that the long 3 month or so hiatus hurt the show. The show isn't the great right now.

"Heroes" that's the SHOW!!! My new favorite show! Last night's episode was pretty good! I think one of the better ones. Luckily I was able to watch it on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Only you would appreciate this...