good times

Friday, February 23, 2007

Jack is 1 month old !

Last night at 9:48pm, Jack turned 1 month old. He's had quite a month. First off, he began life outside the womb. He then wasted no time filling up diapers and going through multiple wardrobe changes throughout the day. He spends time on his back and his tummy. His meals went from mere fractions of an ounce to now over 4 ounces per sitting. He went from skinny little arms and legs to full-blown Michelin Man. His latest weight benchmark put him at 9 lbs 5 oz. He was just 5 lbs 14 oz three weeks ago! He went from the 5th percentile to the 50th percentile! Check out his growth chart:


He's even gained some superhero powers. Here he is freezing time.
Freezing time.

This is his record setting wardrobe change. This outfit only lasted 5 minutes.
It's 2am.

Here is Jack on his (my) favorite feeding pillow. You can tell that we just finished our meal. He's pretty full.
I think I'm full.

Well Jack, here's to many more months of fun!
You're funny, Jack.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he is adorable! :)