good times

Monday, February 12, 2007

Jack's new hobbies

Well, last I posted Jack was pretty much breastfeeding, sleeping, and pooping all day long. He's been maturing very quickly and he has already picked up 3 new hobbies.

Bottle Time - Now that he is almost 3 weeks old, he has become very excited about eating. He has increased his intake from about 1 ounce per feeding to about 3-4 ounces. Look at the expressions on his face...complete bliss.

Best meal ever
Bottle Time

Bouncer Time - When I have the morning off, I like to take Jack downstairs and put him in his favorite musical bouncer so we can have breakfast together. He especially likes the music that his rainforest friends play for him. (Yes, that music is drilled into my head now)

Good morning.
Hangin in the bouncer

Tummy Time - At least a couple times a day now, Jack likes to enjoy tummy time. He gets to lay down on his favorite blanket and spend some time working on his abs, legs, neck, and upper arm strength. His legs really seem to want to do something, but all they do is wiggle around. His neck is getting stronger and stronger. He'll let you know when he can start to get some elevation.

Tummy Time
Tummy Time

But his favorite hobby is still nap time. Nothing quite beats it.

Just chillin'


Ferg said...

Ah, naptime. Looks like he's picked up some tips from his lep-sitter.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Joanne. hope your having fun, by the way that baby is all me, I can tell by the way he naps. Although after a some good loving Russell naps just the same! hmmm, maybe your just a Temp. Mommy :) Miss You, Hurry back 2 Work and give My baby daddy some time off, Away from you.... Karmen