good times

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Spoilers !

Here is a pretty impressive list of famous spoilers in 6 words or less. Sorry if it ruins any of your future viewing experiences.

* Vader is Luke's dad -- The Empire Strikes Back
* Rosebud was his sled -- Citizen Kane
* She's her sister and her daughter -- Chinatown
* Norman is the killer (in drag) -- Psycho
* Verbal is Keyser Sze -- The Usual Suspects
* Doc is dead -- The Sixth Sense
* Earth, in the future -- Planet of the Apes
* Dog gets put down -- Old Yeller
* Soylent Green is people! -- Soylent Green
* He dumps her -- Gone With the Wind
* Life is a simulation (whoa) -- The Matrix
* Husband is in on it -- Rosemary's Baby
* She is a he -- The Crying Game
* Dave disconnects HAL -- 2001: A Space Odyssey
* Split personality -- Fight Club
* Citizens paint town red -- High Plains Drifter
* Wife's head in box -- Se7en
* Maggie shot Mr. Burns -- The Simpsons
* Mistress shot J. R. -- Dallas
* Laura Palmer's father did it -- Twin Peaks
* Double suicide -- Romeo and Juliet
* 42 -- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
* Boys are rescued -- Lord of the Flies
* Whale destroys boat, lives -- Moby-Dick
* Shark destroys boat, killed -- Jaws
* He buries himself -- The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
* Gatsby is murdered -- The Great Gatsby
* A-P-P-L-E -- The Da Vinci Code
* John commits suicide -- Brave New World
* Burned books are memorized -- Fahrenheit 451
* Mark Felt is Deep Throat -- Watergate
* Greek soldiers in horse -- The Trojan War
* Samus Aran is a woman -- Metroid
* Prisoner is saved -- The Pit and the Pendulum
* She's an actress -- Lonelygirl15
* They're all in on it -- Murder on the Orient Express
* There is no Santa -- Christmas

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Save the cheerleader? Save this show!

Heroes was great again last night. The show's pace is great and it definitely keeps you interested.

Lost? I don't know what those guys are thinking. How long can you drag these storylines out? They waste hours upon hours developing pointless storylines and spend no time tying up any plot lines. Exhausting.

On to Month 2

Best hand ever.
Jack is in his second month and still loving every minute of it, unless he's hungry or tired or wants to be held or has gas...

He is spending more time with his eyes open lately, but he loves himself a nap. I have yet to be able to capture his laughing sessions on video. He only laughs while he is sleeping. What is so funny in your dreams when you've only had a few days of memories (that weren't even that funny) to work with?


Joanne just got a new best...I mean, brest friend to help her out when feeding Jack. It's a little platform that she can strap to herself to help hold Jack. But that name cracks me up! Of course, Joanne doesn't think it's nearly as funny as I do.

My Brest FriendJoanne with her Brest Friend

Universal Citywalk

This past weekend, the family went down to Universal Citywalk to have dinner at Wasabi. I haven't been to Citywalk in a while so it was great to see again. Glenn works for Panda Restaurants (Panda Express) and apparently they just bought this Wasabi restaurant and plan to open up a Panda Inn next door.

Dinner at Wasabi

Afterward, we went to Glenn and Michiko's house to celebrate Jack's 30th day (more like 32). It's a tradition in Japan. Joanne and I got this traditional outfit in Japan in October '05 just because we liked it. Luckily we had a boy.

Month-old Jack
Month-old Jack

Friday, February 23, 2007

Jack is 1 month old !

Last night at 9:48pm, Jack turned 1 month old. He's had quite a month. First off, he began life outside the womb. He then wasted no time filling up diapers and going through multiple wardrobe changes throughout the day. He spends time on his back and his tummy. His meals went from mere fractions of an ounce to now over 4 ounces per sitting. He went from skinny little arms and legs to full-blown Michelin Man. His latest weight benchmark put him at 9 lbs 5 oz. He was just 5 lbs 14 oz three weeks ago! He went from the 5th percentile to the 50th percentile! Check out his growth chart:


He's even gained some superhero powers. Here he is freezing time.
Freezing time.

This is his record setting wardrobe change. This outfit only lasted 5 minutes.
It's 2am.

Here is Jack on his (my) favorite feeding pillow. You can tell that we just finished our meal. He's pretty full.
I think I'm full.

Well Jack, here's to many more months of fun!
You're funny, Jack.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Now this is a pretty internet radio site. You can filter genres, years, even your mood! And it's all in a pretty great interface. I think I'll be using this one a while. (LINK)


Great Response

I'm sure you've heard about Tim Hardaway's disgusting remarks against gay people. This is George Takei's (aka Sulu and Hiro's dad on Heroes) brilliant response to Hardaway (taken from the Jimmy Kimmel Show):

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Line Game

Don't know what else to call this game, but it's kinda fun to play. Just use the arrow keys to move around the maze. (LINK)


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It's everyone !

There's always someone out there with even more time on their hands. This picture was drawn by Howard Hallis and supposedly has pictures of all the well-known heroes and cartoon characters you can think of. Click on the picture to see the full size!

Friday, February 16, 2007

80s Arcade

Since I know you're probably being real productive the Friday before President's Day weekend, I thought it was game time. I don't know about you, but I love these games. The best part? You don't have to pop in any quarters! Just click on the game below and start playin'.

Burgertime, 1982----------Ms. Pac-Man, 1981

Centipede, 1980----------Qbert, 1982

Pong, 1972

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I'm wasteful.

I guess I knew this already, but now I can put a number to it. Based on this Ecological Footprint Quiz, I require 30 acres of land to produce the goods and services I consume. There are only 4.5 acres per person available on Earth. This means we would need 6.7 Earths if everyone lived as wastefully as I do.

How many Earths do you require? (TAKE THE QUIZ)

Ecological Quiz

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

New Dollar Coins

If you haven't heard, the U.S. Mint is releasing a new series of dollar coins to replace the gold Sacagawea dollar coins that we rarely see (unless you are in an unfortunate situation at the post office). These new coins will feature all the deceased Presidents, released 4 at a time until 2016. What's your opinion? Will the American public finally accept these? I gotta say, that I do like the edge inscriptions. (LINK)

Vote in the poll on the right.

Presidential Dollar Coins


Great news everyone. Gumby is coming to YouTube! Finally we can watch some quality programming on YouTube. Soon we can watch Gumby, Pokey, Prickle, and Goo in their adventures with the evil Blockheads! (LINK)

Gumby and Pokey

Since we're on the subject, here's Gumby Dammit! (via Eddy Murphy) (LINK)

Monday, February 12, 2007

Jack's new hobbies

Well, last I posted Jack was pretty much breastfeeding, sleeping, and pooping all day long. He's been maturing very quickly and he has already picked up 3 new hobbies.

Bottle Time - Now that he is almost 3 weeks old, he has become very excited about eating. He has increased his intake from about 1 ounce per feeding to about 3-4 ounces. Look at the expressions on his face...complete bliss.

Best meal ever
Bottle Time

Bouncer Time - When I have the morning off, I like to take Jack downstairs and put him in his favorite musical bouncer so we can have breakfast together. He especially likes the music that his rainforest friends play for him. (Yes, that music is drilled into my head now)

Good morning.
Hangin in the bouncer

Tummy Time - At least a couple times a day now, Jack likes to enjoy tummy time. He gets to lay down on his favorite blanket and spend some time working on his abs, legs, neck, and upper arm strength. His legs really seem to want to do something, but all they do is wiggle around. His neck is getting stronger and stronger. He'll let you know when he can start to get some elevation.

Tummy Time
Tummy Time

But his favorite hobby is still nap time. Nothing quite beats it.

Just chillin'

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Cannonball !

Just when we think you're getting the swing of things, he throws us a curve ball...well, this time it was a cannonball. I learned recently that you should never change his diaper right when you hear him drop a load. There's bound to be aftershocks. Tonight, I heard the "thunder from down under" and waited about 20 minutes or so. I then went upstairs and noticed that he had a decent diaper load when BAM!! Out came a huge spray of doo-doo, tagging the diaper mat, the hamper, the comforter, the pillow and pillow case, his pants...everything. It was crazy! I went back to measure the damage and he had shot out 5 feet away! Amazing! That's a lot of firepower out of the little guy!

He then proceeded to shoot a decent pee fountain mid-diaper-change, making the process a bit more challenging. He was definitely telling us that it was bath time.

Here he is, right after the mayhem. Look at that guilt!

Look at me !

Monday, February 05, 2007

Super Bowl Commercials

Did everyone watch the Super Bowl? Did you at least watch the $2 million commericals? (apparently $85,000 per second of airtime) You can check some of the best ones out here (LINK). If you did, you probably remember the hilarious Snickers commercial. Here's a snapshot from it. I would've put up a snapshot just a few frames later, but it just didn't look right on our website.


I liked this one from FedEx:

And don't forget K-Fed's sweet rap spot!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Free Pretzel

Here's a link to get a coupon for a free pretzel from Auntie Anne's. (LINK)
