good times

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

More fun with Jack

I know, I know, that's all I post up of Jack. Well, that's pretty much all that we have time to think about these days. My boy Jack keeps us busy all day long. We're getting about 3-4 hours of sleep a day, split into 2 hour sessions. Joanne and I are holding up well because of all the great help our families have provided.

After only 3.5 days at home, Jack racked up 30 diapers! That's almost 9 diapers a day! That's 270 diapers a month! Guess we better go to the store and pick up some more. Thankfully the Diaper Genie has helped keep them all out of sight and out of smell. Check it out!

Dirty Diapers !

Jack has especially loved bath time. Nothing quite like soaking in a nice warm bath after a hard day of eating and napping. Look at the relaxation in his face.

Bath Fun

Oh, wrong picture. I guess it is after the bath when he really settles down.

Just after a nice bath

See you all later!


Miss Lala said...

my eyes are burning! it's too much cuteness all at once!!!

thank goodness for the dirty diaper pictures. it saved me from certain "death by cuteness".

can't wait to visit!

Anonymous said...

The second photo was taken just after Russell told Jack that, if he works hard and gets good grades, he can be an engineer at Boeing SDC too!