good times

Saturday, January 27, 2007

At home with Jack.

Joanne and I spent Monday and Tuesday evenings with Jack at the hospital in a nice little private room. By Wednesday afternoon, we were able to take Jack home. The pediatrician told us that Jack is perfect and healthy!

Have you seen my favorite T-shirt? It got even better when they stamped Jack's little footprints on them just minutes after he was born. Thanks again, Eddy, for the great shirt.

My favorite T-shirt

For all of you that are concerned, Buster is handling the new arrival just great. He loves Jack so much. Whenever Jack is crying for some help, he often beats us to the nursery. He even likes just taking naps right next to Jack whenever possible.

Buster the Guard Dog

Even when you are holding Jack, Buster wants to be right there.

Dad with Jack and Buster

Jack's day is fairly simple: Eat, poo, sleep, and repeat. Since feeding time is a little censored, and poo times are not so photogenic, I mostly capture his moments sleeping.

In his first hat:
Tuckered at the hospital

After his first bath:
Exhausted after his first bath

Smothered by mommy:
Kisses from Mama

Held by dad:
Always sleepin'

In his bouncer:
Always sleepin'

Always sleeping...

Yeah, we are loving every minute of it.

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